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3500 Years of Jewish History
Rabbi Froman: When I first came here, I came from 3500 years ago. From the rooftops of Tekoa you can see, as Napoleon Bonaparte said, you can see 3500 years of Jewish history. That is my life here, yes? Here down the Tekoa ravine are the caves in which they discovered the Dead Sea scrolls. When you live here, you do not live only your own personal history. Rather you live the eternity of your people. The history of your people.

They build
Rabbi Froman: With all the political plans to evacuate the settlements, people keep on coming here and coming here and coming here. They can’t believe that the settlements will be uprooted. They believe that the settlements will remain here for eternity. They believe the words of the prophets. They come and they build and build and build and build. [He points to a settlement across a valley] That settlement over there – two fellows from our settlement were murdered there. So we established a settlement in their name. Am Yisrael Hai (The Jewish people live).

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